Monday, May 17, 2010


I've always been HORRIBLE at keeping a blog updated. Now, there's a baby in the house and I have a May class with 30 hours of volunteer work and a May-June online I've been busy and I haven't been able to cook much. (To the people I live with...I'm VERY SORRY!!!) I'm also on a diet, so cooking food and not getting to eat any of it just doesn't sound like fun right now. Ugh...I love food so much...

Anyway...I had some pictures saved up, so I thought I'd post my quiche recipe. This is a favorite at our house...OMG it's delicious. And just as a note...most of my recipes are not exactly measured. I do a lot of "Hmm, I think it needs more of THIS ingredient".

First, you dump a bag of frozen shredded hashbrowns into a casserole dish (I use either a 9x13 or 11x15) and drizzle butter over the top; bake at 425 for 25 minutes. 

Next, put a layer of diced ham down, then a THICK layer of shredded cheese, then pour the eggs on top of that...the eggs will run down through the cheese. Cheese makes pretty much anything amazing.

Monday, April 19, 2010

TMNT Nails! (Tutorial!)

If I haven't mentioned this before, I'm a huge dork. I Stumbled (if you don't know what Stumbleupon is...go to It's pretty much the best thing ever) on a pic of TMNT nails and thought, "Hey, I can do that!". So I did.

Ignore the chip on my index finger...I did these over a week ago. I'm surprised they've lasted this long!It's kind of a long process b/c it needs to dry in between steps...but it's worth it!

They were actually really easy to do. All you need is the different color nail polish, (Green, yellow, purple, red, blue, white and black...or if you're really ambitious, enough to mix to make those colors.) clear polish for a topcoat, scotch tape, and a couple toothpicks.

Step one: Apply the green. (You can do an undercoat if you want, I never do thought.) This took 3 coats because it's a pretty thin polish. Allow to dry COMPLETELY.

Step two:  Pull off a couple pieces of scotch tape, and stick it somewhere-your shirt, whatever-to make it not as sticky. You want it to stick but not pull the green off. Place it about a half a centimeter apart...this is how you make the mask.

Step Three: Paint the masks...I think the yellow's actually supposed to be orange, but I didn't have any so yellow it is. Just paint over the scotch'll protect the rest of your nail and make nice clean lines. Let it dry some...the polish should still be slightly tacky when you peel it off.

Step Four: Use a toothpick to make the eyes...white under black.

Step Five: Let it dry COMPLETELY, and apply your topcoat. I've discovered that if you put it on really thick, it doesn't smear the colors, but sorta smooths the edges.

And that's it...your very own TMNT nails!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Peep Sushi and craziness from friends

I've been thinking about starting a blog for awhile, and after watching Julia and Julia one day, decided to go for it. I cook a lot, and have discovered that I'm a GOOD I thought I'd share. I also do a lot of crafts which I love sharing. And video games...I think maybe I'm a nerd?

So... I want to talk about sushi. Not the "real" kind of sushi...but the sushi that was just created in our kitchen. Peep sushi. 

Peep Sushi is pretty much what it sounds like. The "rice" was homemade rice crispy treats, with peeps (those fabulous sugar-covered marshmallow easter treats) and fruit roll-ups on top. I think there were jelly beans involved too. 

That spurred this post tonight. That, and me asking my friends what I should call this blog. That's the hardest part, right? The title and first line? We went through WAAAYY too many names before we settled on Chesty Confessions...and even that I'm a little dubious about. Many of the suggestions had to do with butter...for whatever reason, butter makes everything better. Butter, and things that shouldn't be mentioned someplace my mother might see it. :) Not that it was really that bad, Mom...

Anyway...I guess that's it for my first post. It'll get better, with better pictures and recipes and such.