My parents, as some of you may know, are beekeepers. It's really my dad's pet project. He got interested when I was in 6th middle school had a "Classroom in the Wild", and we had a bee hive that I got to mess with. However, by the time he got into beekeeping, I was already in college.
So anyway...D has been bugging me almost since I moved in to get my parents to show him how to work with the bees, and they finally did. D, McGoo, and I went to a family friend's house, who is helping my parents with the bees and has hives of his own, to extract some honey. Blondie stayed home and caught up on some much needed sleep. :)
They started by getting suited up and taking some supers off the hives, so they could extract the honey. I drove down in my parent's car with McGoo to watch...with the window's rolled up tightly. I don't mind bees flying around me, but I sure would hate for McGoo to get stung!
This is the best picture I could get from where I was. From L-->R, there's Jim, D, and Daddy. They've started using a leaf blower instead of a smoker to get the bees off the supers. D got stung a couple of times using the leaf blower. I think he had on the fabric gloves, tho...I got into a bunch of yellow jackets with them one day not too long ago, and they really don't provide much protection.
A super off the hive. |
Oh, and if you've never had the good fortune to smell a's amazing. Honey, beeswax, and a slight woody undertone make it mouthwatering.
My mom uncapping the honeycomb with a hot knife. |
And D uncapping the wax. Not as pretty, but he got better. |
While all this was going on, I was in and out with McGoo. We walked around, played with cars, and then he discovered the pool. I with I had gotten a picture of this...his favorite game that day was "Walk around the edge of the pool with a foam noodle and hit the water". He cracks me up.
My Dad and D with the extractor. |
This was the best pic I got of my dad all day...he's not one for posing in front of the camera, really.
Jarring the honey. Yum. |
After it's extracted, and we've waited for honey to drain through a filter into 5-gallon buckets (who knew honey was so SLOW?) it's time to get it into jars. That's my mom's job, but from there it's an assembly line of lids and rings. It's a pretty efficient operation, actually.
The finished product. |
I love this picture. It almost looks professional...almost. But it is good. Lol. At least this is a good formatting on this post got kinda screwy, and you know what? I don't have the motivation to try to fix it. So, I'll leave you with one really pretty picture, a bonus hive picture, and one that'll make you want to squeeze the nearest cutie.
Close-up of a stump hive. |
This is the opening to a stump hive they found. The chunk of wood is about my height. They didn't want to destroy their hive, but there's really no way to harvest it, so they just let it be. (Get it? Bee? I crack myself up.) And yes...I was that close to it. It really is pretty cool.
And as I promised...something to make you squee. He'd had a long day. He fell asleep with the sippy cup in his mouth AND the piece of paper he'd been playing with tucked under his chin. What a trooper.